Tag : willitcrash
Waiting For The Margate House Market To Crash Will Cost You £35,871
Will there be a house price crash like those of 1988 and 2008? Are you aware of the six significant differences between now and those years? All Margate homeowners and Margate landlords should read this article, especially those hoping for Margate house prices to drop – you might end up losing at least £35,871 in the next five years! Read the article to find out why?
08/10/2022 2343
What Keeps The Thanet Property Market Moving?
You’d be forgiven for adopting a head-in-the-sand approach to current affairs. Listening to a news bulletin filled with the energy crisis, the war in Ukraine, cost of living surges, and political uncertainty are enough to put anyone on a downer. The clouds of gloom and doom have gathered over the Thanet property market. Will there be a house price crash? Is a common feature for many involved in the media to discuss.
05/10/2022 1841
