Tag : buy
Broadstairs Landlords: Will Broadstairs Buy-To-Let Continue To Be Profitable In The Next Few Years?
Broadstairs landlords are facing some challenges with rising interest rates, new legislation and Broadstairs tenants in arrears. Is this the end of the buy-to-let dream in Broadstairs? Far from it. Read this article to find out why.
16/10/2022 1154
Could This Be The Year You Help Your Child Buy Their First Home?
First time buyers are finding it harder than ever to get the money together to finance their first home. As a result, many are turning to the Bank of Mum and Dad. Here’s what you need to know about helping your child buy a house in 2022…
02/01/2022 1429
How To Downsize Your Property Portfolio In Thanet
In this two-minute read, we look at the implications of selling a buy-to-let property.
16/12/2021 1503
Beginner’S Guide To Building A Property Portfolio In Thanet
In this two-minute read, we look at the basics of building your portfolio and how to try and make your investment a sound one.
06/10/2021 1502
