Category : buytolet
Navigating Thanet’S Changing Rental Landscape: Insights From Cooke & Co
In this quick teatime read we show that In a market with decreasing property availability, understanding the dynamics is key. Read how Cooke & Co is guiding both new and established landlords to capitalise on these conditions for better rental yields.
04/05/2024 574
Maximise Your Thanet Rental Returns: Ethical Investment Strategies Unveiled
Discover the ethical path to maximising your rental investments in Thanet. This guide unveils five crucial considerations for landlords, from selecting the right location to understanding financial nuances, ensuring your journey into property investment is both profitable and principled.
22/03/2024 667
A Decade Of Transformation: Thanet's Rental Market Evolution
A quick read short article to highlight the transformation in Thanets rental market over the last 10 years
17/01/2024 837
Why Self-Managing Your Thanet Rental Could Be A Costly Mistake
This week’s lettings article looks at the true cost of self-managing a rental property.
09/08/2023 1603
7 Top Tips For Buy-To-Let In Thanet
If you're considering investing in buy-to-let property in Thanet, it's important to understand the Thanet property market and know what to look for in a potential investment. Find our more in this short read.
10/04/2023 2160
Is Buy-To-Let In Thanet Still Worth The Risk?
Is Buy-to-Let still a safe bet when it comes to investing in THanet property? With legislation and taxation on the rise for Buy-to-Let, things have got a lot harder for Thanet landlords over the last 5 years. Or could this be the next golden age for the THanet property market? If you are a Thanet landlord, read this article to find out what is happening.
08/02/2023 1813
Inflation - Every Ramsgate Kent Landlords’ Saviour
Thanet Buy-to-Let Landlords. Would it surprise you that inflation can be very useful when it comes to protecting your hard-earned savings and investment? Read the article to find out how here…
06/12/2022 1569
Why Thanet Buy-To-Lets Are Still A Good Investment
If you’re a landlord, chances are you’re feeling a bit hard done by at the moment. It seems like every other day, new rules and revisions are being announced around landlord and tenant law, which means you have to change the way you work and may face higher taxes. But is it all doom and gloom? Is it time to hang up your landlord hat and sell up? We definitely don’t think so. In this quick read, we tell you why investing in buy-to-let property is still a good idea if you’ve got the money (and the patience).
24/08/2022 1616
Five Steps You Need To Take Before Renting Out Your Thanet Property
Being a first-time landlord can feel daunting. There’s a lot to do before you can get your property rented out – such as repairs, legal obligations, admin, tenant-finding, contract signing, and so on. But don’t fret. A good letting agent will help explain all the ins and outs of the process. And can do most of the work on your behalf. In this three-minute read, we discuss some of the essential steps you need to take before renting out your property.
31/05/2022 894
A Landlord’S Guide To Hmos In Thanet
As a landlord, you might be thinking about how to get more value from your property. While the rental market for single tenancies is booming, have you considered a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)? These days, HMOs are big business. In simple terms, it’s where a single property is made into multiple dwellings. And currently, the rental market is crying out for more. HMOs are no longer dingy bedsits of the past, they’re more like high-quality studio apartments under one roof. In this three-minute read, we take you through the basics of an HMO, what you need to know about them, and how they can make you more money.
24/05/2022 2140
