Category : cleaning
Revamp Your Thanet Abode: Ditch These 12 Items This Spring!
Embrace the essence of spring by decluttering your Thanet home. Rid your spaces of redundant items to rejuvenate your living area, boost mental clarity, and enhance productivity. A cleaner home heralds a fresher mindset.
23/03/2024 441
How To Clean Your Thanet Home (And Save Money) The Natural Way
Sometimes (or very occasionally), there’s nothing better than doing a big clean. But have you ever thought about what you’re cleaning with? Every polish, spray and cleaning solution we use contains hundreds of chemicals, yet we liberally spray them all over the surfaces we cook on and eat off. Could there be a better way? Can you get the same results with chemical-free products? Supermarkets offer many natural, toxin-free products, but why pay through the nose when you can make your own.
27/09/2022 1582
Is Your Home In Thanet Making You Sick?
In this two-minute read, we explore issues in your home that could be making you feel unwell and how to cure them.
26/11/2021 2517
Want To Achieve Top Price On Your Thanet Home? Then Clear The Clutter
In this two-minute read, we look at one of the simplest ways to turbocharge the sale of your home – decluttering.
05/10/2021 1349
